A New Vision of Reality Ep. 2
TSK for the 21st Century – an interview with Ron Purser, a long-time TSK practitioner…
The goal of this publication is to share the journeys of our authors and creators as they explore their experience. We present writings, reflections and artistic pieces to inspire new ideas, new explorations, and new questions, sparking opportunities to tap into the richness and multidimensionality of experience.
Every work presented here is a work in progress, because creative inquiry never settles on a final answer. We embrace the unfolding of insight without being bound by its conclusions. This is a playground, where creators and viewers can enjoy knowledge, celebrate its appearance, and move with the flow: what is my experience as I engage this piece? Is it changing? How do I know?
TSK for the 21st Century – an interview with Ron Purser, a long-time TSK practitioner…
If the eye sees the moon reflected in the waters of a river, the present experience is the continuously changing flow of water illuminated by
I am the blue air open sky today, I bear the seed of light, The living dawn core radiance, The break up of
It is evening and I have come to walk the labyrinth under the trees. Following the winding narrow paths between the rows of stone, looping
One of the things I love most about TSK is the invitation to look where we never think to look to take note of what
Sit quietly and relax tension in both body and mind. Start with a focus on the breath. Breathe naturally, without special effort, and let mind
A New Vision of Reality: TSK for the 21st Century is a new series exploring the Time-Space-Knowledge vision. TSK starts from the radical suggestion that
Last night, walking the dogs in a brisk desert wind, old feelings arose from a morning in Canada, standing at the edge of a field,
Submissions to New Perspectives on Creative Inquiry is accepted via our quarterly themed contests as well as on a rolling basis. Please visit our submission portal to send your materials.
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