The Dreaming of the Sands
We can examine the sinew and bones of experience for their secrets, but it may be that the mystery of time is to be found
We can examine the sinew and bones of experience for their secrets, but it may be that the mystery of time is to be found
A trunk by itself is nothing Concentric circles locked in place Big zeros and little zeros Marking time, polarizing space But add branches, add
Since inquiry is at the heart of the TSK vision, it seems appropriate that the title of the book, When it Rains Does Space Get
My grandfather clock (not my grandfather’s, but named for the technology of another era) has stopped working well. It runs for a while and then
An old friend of mine was recently written up in the Albuquerque Journal because he has been a pie baking judge at the State Fair
Sometimes I’m struck with how unable I would ever have been to appreciate recent readings in “Dynamics of Time and Space” without the support of
Last night, walking the dogs in a brisk desert wind, old feelings arose from a morning in Canada, standing at the edge of a field,
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