Center for Creative Inquiry

Picture of Caroline Sherwood

Caroline Sherwood

Caroline Sherwood attended the three month Kum Nye training in Berkeley in 1981. TSK (including study groups and residential retreats in the UK) with Jack Petranker, Tom Morse and Carolyn Pasternak came later. Caroline is the author of Making Friends with Ourselves: Introducing Children to Meditation and her memoir, Following a Thread of Gold, will be published in 2022.

What Is It Like To Experience?

Remembering Sogyal Rinpoche saying, “Your experience will not enlighten you.” And suddenly the words fly apart Diving into the space of Y-O-U-R Entering molecules of 

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Inward Time

moving towards the back of the body down, in velvety texture whatever is defined, gathered, described – moving into that travelling through starscape; knowledge pulsing

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