Full Presence Mindfulness

Full Presence Mindfulness (FPM) is a different approach to mindfulness. When you practice FPM, you’re not only tuning into the senses, but also looking at your preconceptions about the way things are. 

So often we are lost in our thoughts, caught up in our emotions, and feeling trapped by the situations in which we find ourselves. Although these obstacles may seem absolute and inevitable, they may not be quite as solid as we think they are. The first step in changing these unwanted patterns is to ground in experience, and Full Presence Mindfulness offers simple exercises to do that. The next step is to look at the stories we tell and the stories we live and notice the limitations they set. In the final step, Full Presence Mindfulness introduces a new way of working with time, cutting the momentum of negativity. We learn to be intimate with our own experience and open to ourselves and others. No longer limited by the obstacles we have taken for granted, we are free to act on our own highest values.

Please visit our Programs page to find a Full Presence Mindfulness program near you.