Exploring Sacred Dimensions of Time & Space

The knowledge that seems most self-evident is this: ‘I am here’. Suppose we make this knowledge our starting point. Can we awaken curiosity about the significance of this statement?

This course accepts this invitation from Tarthang Tulku’s book, Sacred Dimensions of Time and Space. We will tap into the group’s creativity and curiosity to explore, question, and challenge the unexamined assumptions we have relied upon to structure our reality. Through this exploration, we may discover new dimensions of experience that have the potential to expand our worldview and transcend the limitations imposed by our standard way of looking at things.

This is a live online course that is suitable for both beginners and experienced practitioners of the TSK vision. The course features group discussion, readings, and short contemplations. All sessions are held on Zoom.

Morgan Wells (she/her) is the executive director of CCI. She is a practitioner of TSK and also identifies as a secular, engaged Mahayana Buddhist. Morgan has studied extensively with Jack Petranker and other senior students of Tarthang Tulku since 2007. She completed the Nyingma Institute’s Path & Practices of Liberation program (1,200 hours) in 2010 and Four-Month Human Development Training Retreat (638 hours) in 2014. She has also supported Jack Petranker in developing Full Presence Mindfulness since its inception in 2017. Morgan is a lecturer and academic program director at University of California College of the Law, San Francisco, teaching introductory courses in U.S. law and legal systems and scholarly writing. Morgan is also an adoring parent of twin girls alongside her husband, Kevin.

Cost: The sliding scale is $60 to $120. Please use coupon code 50%off to pay $60 or 25%off to pay $90. We ask that you take your privilege and access to resources in a global context into account when choosing the appropriate level of registration fee. We are committed to making this course as accessible as possible, and no one will be turned away for lack of funds. If you need additional support with the course fee, please email morgan@creativeinquiry.org with a request for a full fee waiver.

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Jul 09 2023


Pacific Time
9:00 am - 10:30 am

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Jul 09 2023
  • Time: 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm




  • Morgan Wells
    Executive Director

    Morgan Wells (she/her) is the executive director of CCI. She is a practitioner of TSK and also identifies as a secular, engaged Mahayana Buddhist. Morgan has studied extensively with Jack Petranker and other senior students of Tarthang Tulku since 2007. She completed the Nyingma Institute’s Path & Practices of Liberation program (1,200 hours) in 2010 and Four-Month Human Development Training Retreat (638 hours) in 2014. She has also supported Jack Petranker in developing Full Presence Mindfulness since its inception in 2017. Morgan is a lecturer and academic program director at University of California College of the Law, San Francisco, teaching introductory courses in U.S. law and legal systems and scholarly writing. Morgan is also an adoring parent of twin girls alongside her husband, Kevin.

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