Picture of Eli Andrew Ramer

Eli Andrew Ramer

Eli Ramer, who writes under the name Andrew Ramer is author and meditation teacher who has long been interested in the blending of text, movement, and chanting. As a professional body-worker with a focus on the integration of cerebral and physical experience, his goal is to nurture an interest in embodiment as perhaps our best hope in the face of climate change.Ramer is a co-author of the international bestseller Ask Your Angels, and of The Spiritual Dimensions of Healing Addictions and Further Dimensions of Healing Addictions. His own books include Angel Answers, Revelations for a New Millennium, Queering the Text, Deathless, Torah Told Different, Fragments of the Brooklyn Talmud, the Lambda Literary Award finalist Two Flutes Playing, and its newly published companion Two Hearts Dancing.
Colored pencil abstract drawing

Reality Feinting

the canvas is a perfect sphere about four feet in diameter floating over the floor of my studio   that i don’t have a studio

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